
My first post on tumblr! It's the drafted sequel to 'Bargain' for Giotto x Haru that I didn't like how it turned out. I know a few were curious and now I finally have a platform to post my incompleted or 'drafted/discarded' work! :) Hopefully I'll have time to post other incompleted work or any work that I have written, but didn't have any plans on actually posting on my blog.

As for my current WIP, I'm currently working on Ambigram!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Teach Me Love - Chapter 10

Summary: "Show me this so-called greatness of the power of love," Hibari ordered. "Fall in love with me." Haru could only stupidly gawk at him. Just what the heck did she get herself involved in? HaruxMultiple Pairings

My lack of KHR knowledge might make some things untrue or some characters OOC and I guess I'll explain some stuff at the end of the chapter, just so I won't spoil things! XD

I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn because if I did, there would be a lot more Haru loving!

Please forgive any mistakes, both character-wise and grammatically wise. lol, i still don't understand the beta system thing and I don't really have time to re-read and edit things. 

Chapter Ten: Weakness



She was such an idiot!

How had things become so complicated so fast? She and Kyoya.... Hibari... were getting along so well and this had to happen! And why was he suddenly so cold to her? Sure, she had gotten kidnapped, sure, she had caused him trouble with the local thugs since they thought her to be his weakness, and sure, she had gotten Namimori Junior High to get blown up, but....


Haru clutched onto her pillow tighter, feeling the hot tears falling from her face. “No wonder he hates me... Haru would hate Haru too if she caused so much trouble...”

There was a soft knock on the door and she buried her face into her pillow.

“Go away!”

“Haru-chan...” a voice whispered from behind the door.

She paused. “Y-Yamamoto-kun?”

“Yes, it’s me. Can I come in, please?”

Haru shook her head roughly, never raising her head from her soaked pillow. “No, please go away.”

“...Haru-chan... it’s been three days. You can’t hide in there forever...”

“I can try!” Haru yelled, her voice muffled due to the pillow. Why couldn’t Yamamoto understand that she didn’t want to get out, to face the truth, to be confronted by something she herself couldn’t understand? She didn’t even understand why she was hurting this much. It shouldn’t be hurting this much. She hadn’t even spent that much time with Kyoya.... no... Hibari...

The fact that she made the same mistake again made Haru cry harder.


“Please Yamamoto-kun!” Haru yelled. She couldn’t handle this right now. She didn’t even know how to handle this.

Silence filled the room and Haru’s tensed form began to relax slightly when suddenly, the door slammed open. Haru yelped when Yamamoto entered the room. She felt mortified by the fact that he had entered into her room when everything was in such disarray, when she was red-faced and covered in tears.

And yet, Yamamoto strolled closer to her as though nothing was wrong, crouching down in front of her with the same casual smile on his face.

“C’mon Haru-chan, now isn’t the time to be crying here in the dark.” He said, holding out a hand towards her. “Fresh air will do you some good. Let’s go out for a walk in the park.”

“But-.” She began, but felt her voice automatically stop when Yamamoto continued to smile at her despite how she was about to protest again. This was so unfair to him, so unfair to all the people who had gotten involved. Haru bit her lip and then nodded. “I’ll get ready...”

“R-Run!” a hoarse voice yelled, but his voice was unheard due to the cries of pain that filled the area. Many were already on the floor, bleeding and practically in pieces. But alas, the torment was not finished.

His hunger was not abated.

“Weak,” the few that were still conscious flinched at the angry snarl. Dark eyes seemed to glow with anger and with a single step forward, many crawled backwards. “You herbivores are all so damn pathetic.”

“Wh-What the hell is going on all of a sudden?” one of the thugs hissed to the one closest to them. They hadn’t really been doing much, just strolling down the streets, when this punk had appeared out of nowhere, spouting random crap about how they were just inappropriately.

“T-That’s Namimori Junior High’s P-Prefect,” another stammered, nursing a bleeding lip. “H-He normally doesn’t patrol around here! What the hell is he doing so far away from his territory-gah!”

A foot smooth slammed into his stomach and the other thugs on the floor cried out at the sight of their friend writhing in pain on the floor. A predator was before them and it was hungry for their flesh.

“W-We’ll change our clothes! Hell we’ll even do plastic surgery to change our face! Just please leave us alone!” one of them pleaded only to be hit square on the face by the blood-stained tonfa.


They were all so damn weak.

He needed a stronger prey, someone who could satisfy his appetite, someone who could satiate this craving inside of him. Ever since that damn incident at the construction site, a hunger had grown inside of him. It was a need he didn’t understand and he didn’t care to understand it.

As long as he found what it was he needed.

That was all that mattered.

Hibari looked up at the sky with an angry scowl. Because of this desire, this need that had sprung up, he had even traveled farther from his usual rounds in hopes of being able to find what it was he desired.

But still no...

Hibari clenched the tonfa tightly.

He still hungered.

“A gruesome fight.”

Hibari jumped back and away from the voice, holding his tonfas defensively only to stop when he saw who it was. His scowl changed into a smirk, finally someone worthy. “Infant.”

“Your thirst for blood only seemed to have grown,” Reborn commented, counting the bodies that littered the ground. There had to be at least a dozen or more unconscious men on the ground.

“Fight me,” Hibari said, readying himself. Perhaps he would finally receive who he desired. Perhaps by fighting this powerful child, he would be released by whatever was haunting him so.

“Dame-Tsuna told me what happened.” Reborn commented, standing casually on the metal fence of the street. “Hideo has been arrested and shouldn’t be causing trouble anymore. But even though he’s gone, trouble seems to have stayed.”

“I said fight me,” the normal tolerance Hibari had for Reborn in respect to Reborn’s unknown abilities was gone. Right now, all Hibari wanted was a challenge, a fight that would invigorate and perhaps soothe the volatile feelings within him.

Reborn lifted his fedora hat slightly and, despite his babyish face, gave Hibari a grim stare. “Running away from the truth doesn’t suit someone who considers himself to be the predator.”

Hibari froze, his eyes widening slightly.

“A true carnivore is one that turns the situation into something that they can use, to make it to their advantage.” Reborn continued smoothly. “A weakness is only a weakness if someone considers it to be a weakness.”

“There is nothing to run away from.” Hibari rose from his stance, knowing no matter what he said or did, Reborn wouldn’t fight him. “And I don’t know what weakness you’re speaking of.”

“There was a time when you were infected with the sakura-kura virus... but despite being infected, you didn’t worry or even try to get the cure. And that was because you knew it wasn’t a weakness. It might hinder you, but it wouldn’t be enough to stop you. So tell me Hibari-kun,” Reborn said with a sly grin, “what makes you think she is a weakness as well?”


AN: I'm on a roll baby! Four updates!!! 8D Also, my dear readers, you should really check out the Teach Me Love oneshots. They will play a role in the story. For those who are still confused about those, the oneshots are basically what should have taken place BEFORE Haru-chan was kidnapped. I should have created more memories for them to have before doing something so big and created more attachments for them to have... so basically the oneshots are what SHOULD have happened in this fanfic before Haru was kidnapped. Sorry for the confusion.

Chapter 09                                             Chapter 11


  1. I get it now. So you separated the fluffiness moments into a various peaks of one shots and made this canon story as an "climatic" stage of the story. Oh, I am very sorry for what I had said back then. THIS is what I really want to happen. To bring both Haru and Hibari such good memories even before the angst starts and I am very happy that you made that so well. In fact, I should be reading the one shots by now!

    Now for my review in this chapter. Hah! I knew it from the beginning that Hibari can't lose his feign attachment to the brunette. Even if it was short but Haru is the only person who survive his presence (besides Kusakabe) that long! And I congratulate Haru for that!

    As for Yamamoto, I find him a potential love rival for Hibari (why does it have to be the cheerful guy to be the cold hearted ones' rival anyway?! It always HAPPEN in shoujo mangas... oh well) Well, for some strange reason, I suddenly feel sorry for Yamamoto... to end up hurting if he can't have Haru... but then again, I am pretty not sure if Yamamoto does love Haru. Oh well. Sometimes I find the signs of him having a crush of Haru (in the future arc, the inheritance ceremony arc... yeah)

    Well anyway, I AM FREAKING GLAD THAT REBORN FINALLY APPEARED! I was wondering where he was for a long, LONG time!!! Heck, I was hoping that Mukuro will appear but... Nah!

    I love this chapter, overall. The last statement from Reborn made me so giddy inside!!! I am so glad! Thanks the chapter!

    Merry Christmas and Happy new year!!!!

  2. d'awww !! reborn finally appeared !!
    way to go for kicking some sense into hibari !!
    hmm .. i wonder what would happen if he saw yamamoto and haru together
    * wiggle.wigle eybrow *
    haha .. i hope to see a little bit fluffiness between yamamoto and haru if possible .. even if it's soo onesided .. it would be worth a try .. i guess >>

    well .. i'll keep watch for the next chapter :D

  3. I find it really cute that Yamamoto is trying to cheer her up! Yamamoto is just awesomeness balled up in one person!

    Haru doesn't know it yet that she sorta has feelings for Hibari does she?

    I'm glad Reborn is talking to Hibari, hopefully things will return to normal, Hibari willing.

    Thanks for Updating!!! Your my favorite KHR authorXD

  4. when will you post again?

    it's the best fic hibaharu i have read

  5. aaaaa.....could you post it sooner please?...i want to read fic bout haru more...this story was're awesome..i can't wait to read more...huhuhu..

  6. I LOVE your story!!!! Can't wait to read more!!!!!><
