
My first post on tumblr! It's the drafted sequel to 'Bargain' for Giotto x Haru that I didn't like how it turned out. I know a few were curious and now I finally have a platform to post my incompleted or 'drafted/discarded' work! :) Hopefully I'll have time to post other incompleted work or any work that I have written, but didn't have any plans on actually posting on my blog.

As for my current WIP, I'm currently working on Ambigram!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


...there's only an hour left, so I'm just going to post it now... tired of waiting... >_>

Okay, this is my first time hosting a contest so bear with me.

Start of Contest: October 9, 2011

Contest Deadline: November 12, 2011 (Because that’s a Saturday and that’s when I and the majority of people in this world have time)

Theme: After careful consideration, I guess the one I’d like the most is a happy theme. Something cheerful that’ll brighten a person up. Not something that is just simply pretty and well-made, but a pic that people would like to see each time they get on the website. Remember, unless I do another contest or decide to change it later on, the winner of this contest will be the creator of the pic you will be seeing EACH TIME you get on my blog.

Pic Size: Width: 660 and Height: 224


Send to:

1.       NO OBSCENE PICTURES! Since all pictures will be sent to me before they’re posted on the blog, there’ll really be no point in even trying to enter them.

2.       I’d prefer that the artwork be colored, but it’s your call. After all, in the end, the readers are the ones who will be choosing the winner. So even if it isn’t colored, if it gets the most votes, then I’ll adjust according to that.

3.       The winner of this contest will be decided by the viewers of this blog. Once I’ve received all the pictures, I’ll post them on this blog and then I’ll put a poll up on the side for the viewers to decide.

4.       Er... I don’t know if I need to write this, but don’t steal anyone else’s work. I don’t know how you could do this, but I know people are quite creative when it comes to things like this. Stick with your own drawings. Even if you don’t think it’s great, I know I’ll love each and every little sketch because you took the time and effort to draw something for me and everyone on this website. And even if you don’t win, at least you’ll be able to read a fanfic on the pairing of the winner’s choosing! So in the end, everyone gets to enjoy something! xD

5.       Entries can consist of drawings or digitally altered pics. Kind of like how you make banners and such where you use photoshop or other programs to manipulate already-made pictures into something else. However, since I don’t want to infringe on any copyright, I would make sure to disclaim the things you do not own. This might sound like it’s contradicting rule number 4, but as long as it’s simply manipulating and not completely stealing, then I guess it’ll be alright. Sorry if this doesn’t sound clear. If confused, leave me a comment and I’ll respond.

6.       If you don't mind, I'd like there to be no texts. In reality, I don't really care, but I don't want to create any confusion so for this contest, I don't want any texts on the picture. Maybe next time if there is a next time. xD

7.       This is for the voters and commenters. Once the pictures are posted, do not, and I repeat, DO NOT say anything that is meant to hurt people. I’m not kidding. I won’t stand for stupid comments. Not that they’d be able to get through since I, once again, have power over what gets to be published. I just wanted to warn people since all silly comments won’t be posted or even looked at so don’t bother to try.

1.       One fanfic oneshot with a pairing of your choosing. You can even choose the scene, the theme, and the genre. It can even be a lemon! However, I plead that you be rational and not ask for something crazy... like I don’t want to end up writing a lemon where it involves bondage, rape, and gore.... >_> which, in fact I will not do. And I guess you can even do it outside the Katekyo Hitman Reborn category if you want... but that’s only as long as I know what manga or book or whatever it is that you’re talking about. n.nU it’ll be hard for me to write about the pairing if I don’t know anything about that universe. Also, I know this might make it a bit restricting, but if it’s a pairing that you like, but I don’t, I’d prefer not to write about them. I can try, but I’d feel as though I wouldn’t be able to give it my all in writing an awesome oneshot and it’ll be sad to produce a half-hearted piece of work. So, if you don’t mind going through some trouble, feel free to tell me about another pairing you’d want, but I think the easiest would be to maybe just stick with the KHR realm. Haha, but in the end, it is the winner’s choice.

NOTE: Just to note, the rules can be changed through the contest. It probably won’t be major changes, but it’ll probably be regarding stuff where people might do something stupid or mean. I don’t think everyone’s like that, but I just want to be on the cautious side so no one gets hurts by what should be an innocent contest. 

1. (10/09/2011) Special thanks to Kyunn for the helpful questions!

2. (10/14/2011) Thank you Anony-chan for the question. Your questions is answered as number 6 under the rules section. n_n

Lastly, have fun with this and good luck! :)