
My first post on tumblr! It's the drafted sequel to 'Bargain' for Giotto x Haru that I didn't like how it turned out. I know a few were curious and now I finally have a platform to post my incompleted or 'drafted/discarded' work! :) Hopefully I'll have time to post other incompleted work or any work that I have written, but didn't have any plans on actually posting on my blog.

As for my current WIP, I'm currently working on Ambigram!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Genesis - Katekyo Hitman Reborn - Chapter 07

Summary: There was a reason why Reborn got Haru involved with the Mafia. Even if she was useless to them in fights and even if she couldn't provide as much emotional strength as Kyoko, she was vital and without her, there would just be no Vongola. G86/GiottoHaru

My lack of KHR knowledge might make some things untrue or some characters OOC!

I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

Please forgive any mistakes, both character-wise and grammatically-wise. I don't have time to re-read or edit things.

Genesis: Chapter 07


“Eyes?” Giotto echoed, tilting his head while his eyebrows knitted in confusion.

Sitting on a boulder much lower than his, Haru nodded. The two were in the middle of one of their great hikes around the forest when they had decided to get some rest –mostly for Haru’s sake- on a pile of rocks that were likely formed from a rockslide of the mountain nearby. “My eyes are brown. Are your eyes orange?”

Giotto blinked and looked upward. Haru was sure that if they had a mirror handy, he would have been gazing at it contemplatively instead. When he didn’t give an immediate reply, she decided to prod a little more.

“I’ve never seen eyes like yours.” She said slowly, trying to be simple with her words so that she didn’t confuse him. “Attilio-san has green eyes. My eyes are brown. Giotto-sama’s eyes are orange. I-.”


She stopped talking at the sound of Giotto’s soft voice. “Hahi?”

“My eyes.” He explained, pointing at the sky.

“The sky?” she repeated with a frown before perking up in realization. “Blue? Er... like water? And-And Haru’s dress?” she motioned at the dress Attilio had given her. By providing several examples, she would be more reassured by her guess.

Giotto nodded. “Yes, my eyes are blue.”

“But they’re orange,” she replied, the confusion returning to her features.

Again, the silence returned and Haru felt the tension in the air. The normally cheerful smile that adorned Giotto’s face had faded, replaced by a solemn air that seemed to weigh his shoulders down. Unimaginable guilt brewed inside Haru’s chest as she knew she was at fault for probably bringing up unwanted memories. But she needed information if she wanted to be of some help for Giotto in the future.

Biting her lip, Haru got up and began to climb up the boulders. Though her stamina had definitely improved due to the long walks and runs she had gone with Giotto, she was still nowhere near as strong and dexterous as him. She yelped when she almost slipped a step and felt a strong hand grab her wrist, helping her up. Without looking up so that she could keep an eye on her footing, she breathlessly thanked Giotto before sitting next to him.

The words she had been planning to relay on him briefly disappeared at the view before them.

There was an endless sea of trees in her line of vision, mountains adoring the background with an awe-inspiring air. Though she wasn’t too high up, the air felt fresher and the wind was cooler. Haru stared wide eyed, her jaw slacked, and the look of awe apparent on her face.

No wonder Giotto enjoyed climbing around so much.

She would have continued staring in admiration at the sight if she hadn’t remembered why she had climbed up here in the first place. Haru turned to face Giotto and felt her face flush when she realized he was staring intently at her. “Giotto-sama?”

“Yes, Haru?” he replied, still watching her intently.

It was times like this she wished that she would become immune to his gaze already. Her face and heart wouldn’t last much longer at this rate.

Pushing personal feelings aside, Haru inhaled deeply. “Thank you.”

The random verbal gratitude bemused him and the feelings must have been apparent on his face since Haru continued.

“You’ve helped me, a total stranger, without asking for anything.” She said in a soft voice, remembering the past few weeks together. “If it wasn’t for Giotto-sama, I would be so scared. I would probably be dead by now... Actually, you’re all that I’ve got right now, Giotto-sama.”

She didn’t bother to hide the somberness and apprehension from her tone because it was the truth. There wasn’t anyone here that she could connect to or feel as though she could trust. Giotto-sama was her connection to her past, the one source of proof that supported her existence. She had no family or friends, nothing other than him. He was also the reason why she was still alive right now.

But that wasn’t the real reason why she was willing to lay bare her true feelings to him without worrying that he could easily hurt her by using her fears and insecurities.

It was because she was asking something of him that he was hesitant to share. Haru wouldn’t force him to tell her everything, but she was willing to compromise and be patient. If she was going to ask sensitive questions from him, she was willing to give him pieces of her as well.

Besides, the reality of it was that giving her thanks to him was really overdue.

A hand landed on top of her head. The weight was comforting and when she looked up, she saw Giotto looking at her sadly. “Me too. Haru is all I have.”

“Hahi?” she looked at him in surprise, waiting for him to elaborate. When he didn’t, Haru hesitantly spoke. “Giotto-sama has Attilio-san.”

Giotto smiled solemnly, looking into the forest with a far off look. “Attilio belongs to everyone. He is a priest.”


“It’s alright,” Giotto turned to look at her, the smile on his face a little brighter when his gaze seemed to land on her. “I have Haru.”

The comment that would normally make Haru blush or any other girl swoon saddened her this time.

What did Giotto-sama mean by all this?

There were still many things she didn’t know about him, but she had been sincere when she said that she would be patient. Someday Giotto-sama would tell her everything. And when that day came, she would readily listen.

For now, Haru leaned her head against Giotto’s shoulder as if to provide a little silent comfort with that small gesture.


AN: This story is moving slowly, but that's on purpose. I want them to build up trust a little more naturally instead of letting it instantly happen. The good part is that 'yay, there's more to read', but the bad part is 'boo, this story will never end'... I guess it depends on your perspective.

I said I'll update every Sunday, but something just forced me to write. I'm hoping I'll be able to update this again this week and hopefully I'll succeed.

I'm still working on the Gokudera/Haru oneshot. I've never written this couple before except that oneshot so it's kind of difficult for me... which is funny because I know there's a strong Gokudera/Haru base and the chances of them being a couple is better than any other couple I've written with her. xD

Chapter 06                                      Chapter 08


  1. OMG. OMG. OMG. OMG.

    Gah, please make longer chapters T^T

    This is probably the best story I have ever read. Ever.

    I love every single thing and...


    I love you; just thought I'd let you know that.

    UPDATE SOON!! <3

    1. ^^;; Sorry about the short chapter. These things have a mind of its own so it's hard to make things longer, even when I want to.

      But at least I'm updating this weekly now! 8D so yay, more to read!

      And thank you for the wonderful compliments. You make me blush. @//@

  2. Aw :) Great job again! ^^
    Ooh ooh FLUFF PLEASE <3 Fluff is my favourite kind of story <3 eheheh!!!!!

    1. Thank you! 8D I hope I can add more fluff too!

  3. HEllo!! c: im knew and im latin dont know so much english so if i write something wrong sorry ajajaj but i love your story ambrigam and genesis i love them i alway every day am view? this site to see if you update something :D and sorry if i didnt comment before but make me a google account was annoying jajajaj but here i am plese NEVER stop writing you are amazing i will always follow you and coment your chapter ajajaj i hope you understand :D please update soon! love kimi

    1. No, your english is awesome. I can only hope to speak as well as you in any other language.

      And thank you for taking the time to comment. It makes me really happy. :) And I will do my best to be able to provide you with more stories!

  4. oh my!!
    It's a short chapter but so sweet!
    Every time i read this I fall more and more in love with Giotto!!

    1. @w@ me too, I really like Giotto. He's such a mysterious character. Unfortunately, that also makes it a pain when writing fanfics because I don't know much about him. @_@

  5. I absolutely love this. I love how you portray Giotto's character, very sincere and sweet. I'm curious about his past just like Haru is haha. I really hope you update soon! I wish you good luck with your writing! :)

    1. :) yeah, it's hard to find the right way to write him because I don't know what he was like as a child. So I'm hoping it'll go smoothly, even if in the actual manga it might be the opposite. I somehow, over time, grew a pet peeve over if characters are too OOC.

      Thank you! I shall do my best with the next chapter!

  6. Neh neh [Juuchan Willionton] Happy-san is really doing good, juuchan at first didn't like G18 since she liked hibaharu, which she still does, demou, juuchan came to love G18 since the paring was so good, it was really sweet, juuchan hopes to read more nyaan, and of course 'teach me love' as well nyaan~! Keep up the fantastic work happy-san nyaan~.

    1. xD well I'm glad that you were able to like this pairing too. Lately I've been feeling HibaHaru deprived so maybe I'll write something for them... maybe after I'm done updating the fanfic chapters.

  7. thank u so much for the update ^^
    i love giotto and haru

    1. thank YOU for the review. :)

      I love them too!! It's fun to write them as well, haha.
